French Literacy Program Terms and Conditions Agreement

I agree to the following:

1 .Tutoring Services: a. The tutor agrees to provide literacy tutoring services as specified in the agreed-upon tutoring plan. b. Sessions will be conducted in accordance with the scheduled appointments.

2. Schedule and Rescheduling: a. The tutoring schedule will be mutually agreed upon by both parties. b. Rescheduling requests must be submitted with a minimum notice of 24 hours. Please be aware that rescheduling may not always be feasible. If rescheduling is not possible, you are still obligated to cover the cost of the missed tutoring session.

3. Duration of Sessions: a. Each tutoring session will have a predetermined duration, as outlined in the tutoring plan.

4. Fees and Payments: a. The agreed-upon fees for tutoring services are outlined in the payment agreement. b. An invoice will be emailed to you after each month. Payments can be submitted via e-transfer to:

5. Cancellation Policy: a. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice may be subject to a cancellation fee. b. The tutor reserves the right to cancel or reschedule sessions with reasonable notice.

6. Student's Responsibilities: a. The student agrees to actively participate in sessions and complete assigned tasks. b. Regular attendance is expected, and missed sessions may affect progress.

7. Parental Involvement: a. Parents or guardians are encouraged to stay informed about their child's progress. b. Feedback and communication between the tutor and parents are essential.

8. Progress Tracking: a. The tutor will provide periodic progress reports as agreed upon with the parents. b. Adjustments to the tutoring plan may be made based on the student's progress.

9. Confidentiality: a. All information shared during tutoring sessions, including student progress and assessment results, will be kept confidential.

10. Code of Conduct: a. Respectful and professional behavior is expected from both the tutor and the student.

11. Termination of Services: a. Either party may terminate tutoring services with reasonable notice. b. In the case of non-compliance with the terms and conditions, services may be terminated immediately.

12. Amendments: a. Any changes or amendments to this agreement must be in writing and agreed upon by both parties.

13. By engaging in French literacy tutoring services, both parties acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions.